New & Upcoming

Wendy McMurdo receives EP Publishing Award

Wendy McMurdo receives EP Publishing Award at the RSA Annual Exhibition 2020
We are delighted to announce that Wendy McMurdo has been selected as the 2020 recipient of the Edinburgh Printmakers Publishing Award in this year’s RSA Annual.
The award offers Wendy the opportunity to produce a limited-edition print project at Edinburgh … Continue Reading

UNSEEN Film & Photo panel

Starting in the early twentieth century, photography and the moving image have an intimate and intertwined history as filmmakers and photographers drew inspiration from one another. Witness a conversation between artists that utilise both mediums, as they delve into the symbiotic relationship between the two most influential mediums of contemporary … Continue Reading

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Between Realities – Stockholm

I will be participating in Between Realities between 31st Aug – 14th Oct 2018
Anna Uddenberg, Jacob Kirkegaard, Julius von Bismarck, Wendy McMurdo & and Katja Novitskova, Fargfabriken, Stockholm

‘Five contemporary artists participate in the exhibition Between Realities and, in different ways, focus upon what it entails to be human … Continue Reading

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The Digital Mirror

The Digital Mirror is one of a series of short films on artists commissioned by The National Galleries of Scotland. The film was shot at on location in Edinburgh, directed by Marissa Keating, with cinematography by Kimberley O’Neill and Michael Thomas Jones and produced by Becky Manson.


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