New & Upcoming

Wendy McMurdo to lead Pairings

‘Award-winning artist Dr Wendy McMurdo has been appointed lead photographer of Pairings, an innovative arts project which celebrates the many and varied ways in which Trinity has inspired students, Fellows, staff and alumni. Pairings is part of the celebrations marking the 40th anniversary of women’s admission to Trinity.’


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Wendy McMurdo joins Artimage

Wendy McMurdo has joined Artimage.

‘Artimage is a new service from DACS – the only digital image resource curated to showcase and license exceptional works of modern and contemporary art.

Established by artists for artists, DACS is a not-for-profit for visual artists’ rights management organisation. Showcasing thousands of … Continue Reading

Digital play – Collected Works

Wendy McMurdo is a photographer and filmmaker who focuses on the relationship between technology and identity expressed through the images and ideas of childhood. She looks at the psychological world of children and young people, both as a protected space and, increasingly, as a ground for marketing wars and a prematurely … Continue Reading

Born in 1987:The Animated GIF

The Photographers’ Gallery launched its new digital programme with Born in 1987: The Animated GIF. This exhibition devoted itself to the overlooked image format native to the web and the computer screen. The exhibition features over 40 GIF images by practitioners from a range of creative disciplines. For many, this … Continue Reading

Childhood, Fantasy and Play

Wendy McMurdo’s photographs explore the psychological world of the child, expressed through play. Specially selected from her past 15 years’ work, this comprehensive exhibition includes many pieces never before exhibited in the UK. Made within the school, the family; and the museum, the artist has shadowed many groups of children, … Continue Reading

The World in London

‘London boast one of the most diverse populations in the world. The World in London presents portraits of Londoners by British and international photographers taken from 2009 – 2012. Each portrait shows a person or people from one of the 204 nations taking part in the London 2012 Games, accompanied … Continue Reading